If you were looking for the sea
from here you will not lose it
never in sight
You are finally on the island of Elba: the sea is just a few steps away from you, the scents of the Mediterranean scrub will help awaken your senses, the wilderness of Chiessi will help you find rhythm and harmony.
Our 21 comfortable rooms furnished with care and a touch of style are ready to welcome you at your best.
We chose colors that could contribute to a purely relaxing experience.
To make it even more interesting, we wanted our rooms to have five different styles, so that whenever possible you can choose the mood closest to your personal taste.
Double, triple and quadruple room accommodations are available.

that leave their mark
You are finally on the Island of Elba: the sea is just a few steps away from you, the scents of the Mediterranean scrub will help awaken your senses, the wild nature of Chiessi will help you rediscover rhythm and harmony.
Our 21 comfortable rooms furnished with care and a touch of style, are ready to welcome you in the best possible way.
We chose colors that could contribute to an experience of pure relaxation.
To make everything even more interesting, we wanted our rooms to have five different styles, to allow, when possible, you to choose the mood closest to your personal taste.
Double, triple and quadruple room accommodations are available

Here, on the Island, simplicity is everywhere: it lurks among the green and blue of the landscape, it is breathed in the pleasant air of summer evenings, it is heard in the sounds of nature, it is observed in the modus vivendi of Elbans.
Bright and welcoming spaces, a touch of color, a dash of originality.
We are really committed to making your relaxing moments special.
For those of awe, however, you have a wonderful island to discover.
Just before evening falls, the sun becomes a fiery red disk.
Between sea and sky all shades of pink and purple explode.
In Chiessi, on the Costa del Sole, sunsets are like this: they leave you speechless.
This little paradise on the western side of Elba Island will give you unforgettable moments of wonder.

Learn about the services we offer for you:

Aperitivo al Tramonto in Terrazza
Friday 14 June, experience the Elba sunset on the terrace of our hotel! If you are looking for a special way to end your week,